Identifying Discipleship Killers & How to Increase in your devotion to God

Friends, hope you are well. It’s been a while and I’m glad to be back. Everything in life needs a balance and I trust that you are increasing in all areas of your life. I’m in a life transition post-grad and I have had the opportunity to be travelling and picking up more life responsibilities, the wisdom pearls of which I want to share with you this Sunday afternoon. In light of the many happenings in the world today, I want to challenge you not to burn out or Kay down your devotional life or lose your intimacy with the father. I encourage you to remain anchored to the source of life Jesus is that you don’t dry up; for if we dry up we will be as chaff and may be easily blown away by any wind of adversity that blows. But Glory to Jesus who intercede for you and I that our faith will not fail amen! I just have some wisdom capsules and word for you to meditate on this day and week, especially in light of all that is happening in the world today: 

  •  Deeply meditate and reflect on these questions from the father’s heart in ministry today: 
  • “Am I completely surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all areas of my life?”
  • “When the world says to redefine marriage, do I ask myself what Jesus says and how he defined it?”
  • “Am I adopting Jesus philosophy, practice and way of life?”
  • “Am I walking closely with Jesus by DAILY following after the holy spirit ?”
  • “Am I abiding in the words of Jesus?”
  • Am I experiencing a daily transformation of my heart and behaviour
  • “How do I become a radical disciple of Jesus Christ?” 

Note these 3 key things that can kill the path of discipleship 

— Discipleship Killers

1. Making Excuses of Posessions: see Luke 14:18-20. What he was accumulating was more important to him than Jesus. Obsession with possession can contend with the profundity and place of our faith. Folks, nothing that you possess is eternal. It is only a gift from God that you are called to faithfully steward
2. Making Excuses of having responsibilities: see Luke 14: 18-20. The man said I just bought some oxens, I have to go take care of them. Allow your commitments to be in the right rank of priority and don’t let them choke out your ultimate relationship with the father 
3. Making excuses of family & relationship: see Luke 14:18-20. See this is tricky and God is not saying we should abandon our family or loved ones but the moment we replace God with any other relationship , we invite the excuse of relationship in our calling. Instead, our family and love relationship should be a tool we use to contend for the salvation of more souls and not as a tool to excuse ourselves from service 

Ways to Increase your devotion, growth and intimacy with the Lord:
1. Surrender: surrender your life wholeheartedly to Jesus in body, mind and soul. Don’t hold back on areas of your life and open up on some. If you don’t know the Lord Jesus ,ask him into your life and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit 
2. Answer the call of discipleship: Will you go when the Lord sends you? I mean the real GO, not the obsession that has gripped the world today in games. Can you imagine if the world was more committed to following and answering the call of God? Answering means you and I must be willing to let some lifestyles go, some habits drop, some passions burn off, some relationships cut off, some behaviors go. Why ? Because you represent a new identity;the one that you gave willingly answered to. And believe me, great is the reward for answering this call. O, it is great and nothing in this world can compare.

2. Bear the cross: consider Jesus who had no sin and yet was crucified for us and remember that when you give your life to Jesus , you do not only come to a glorious life but a life that carries a responsibility to bear your cross. Count the cost, sometimes there may be hardship . Often ,our flesh will have to die and if we are really honest with ourselves ,we can prayerfully invite the Lordship of Christ in areas of our lives that need transformation 
My friends , be reminded that daily you win through Christ, so please be encouraged and keep fighting this fight of faith . know that Jesus cares for you even now and wants to hear your voice, your worries and your concerns. He bids you to come up higher and surrender wholeheartedly to him, walking this path that will lead you to a deeper devotion and the increase that comes from above. You are the salt of the earth, don’t lose your flavor or your savour. Through your life, testimony, discipleship and increased devotion to God, someone might even come to know Christ! Have you considered that?  You are blessed and highly favored! Keep me in your prayers even as I keep you in mine

Blessings & happy Sunday 


2 thoughts on “Identifying Discipleship Killers & How to Increase in your devotion to God

  1. Well written! It is very difficult to surrender all areas of life to God. But if we must grow, it is a complete neccessity.


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